Tuesday, April 28, 2009

该伤心还是该心痛( 我的一百块))Fly away

今天终于考了摩托了~6点就醒来了,7点半后,我就坐我附近家aunty的车出发。。去到那儿8点多,一来aunty 就跟我收钱才考摩托。当我考完了,我认为我Pass lei 。一去考官那里拿kertas .当时我就很高兴我看到全部打勾我没看到下面写kurang daripada 7 saat 。只知道 fail了bahagian II==最可惜得就是过桥的那一段。我的时间是5.92秒!!!不过,幸好pass了bahagian III^^下个下个星期二又要重考,嗨~才补考那短短的一两分钟就要RM100,ameh ~~~~回到家幸好我妈咪和爹地没有骂我,不然就可怜咯~


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tuesday want exam JPJ Motorbike

距离我考车的时间只有48个小时,就是2天有点兴奋,因为要是考一次就pass了就好咯~我又点怕怕,一点紧张因为我的平衡力不是很好,最怕是在桥要保持 7 秒其他的我还好请大家为我祈祷吧,祝我考一次就就pass吧。我星期一要学Motor,need 精神时间还有补习都被逼要逃课。为了得到 P licence ,牺牲了很多耶~希望牺牲所得到的东西都会有好结果吧!

My birthday coming soon is was on 27/4/09

My chinese no so good so i use english &a little bit chinese to write my blog , hope u all can accept it .Monday is my birthday haiz me become older jor .My1st wish is all spm student can pass the result to get A1. Another 2 wish will keep in my heart .That day is 24/4/09 I invite my friend 女的有 Eline ,Zizi,Chiau Yin ,Nathelieyeng ,男的有 Samsonkuan ,William chan ,Lapyan ,Haniel lee ,Koh toong ,Jhpang and Shen wei to cum to my father friend club house to celebrate my birthday . But that day was a 糟糕 birthday party no birthday cake cz i lazy to buy that is my good reason hehe ^^ :p 还敢说出来.我很对不起我这班朋友, i want to say sorry .That day i receive many present .the present is bear bear吊车的 , 扑满,手机吊饰,像框,蓝笔,和一个放笔的 i am so sorry i did not put the picture. next day i will put the picture let u see .